Complimentary, manual therapy is a central component of any health and well being plan. Make Bowen part of your remedial well being.

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To follow up and complement your treatment

What is Bowen therapy?

Nicola Pike

Data Policy

ECBS Certified Bowen Practitioner

From exercises to eating, cushions to karma. Take a peek at the useful links area...

From newborns to  centenarians and everyone in between - it's a treatment for all. Rolling type movements with fingers or thumbs, are performed over precise points dense in receptors. The intent is to encourage the body to adjust and/or heal, through fascial release. 
The treatment is interrupted by frequent breaks to allow the body time to process and begin adjusting where necessary. This is a key feature of the Bowen template. 

Assisting those with; jaw / ear issues, back / neck pain, sciatica, Fibromyalgia, iBS, infertility....the list goes on.

Serving the communities of Yatton, Clevedon, Weston-super-Mare, Portishead and surrounding areas